# Functions

# Code

array(<expressions>...)                      Returns an array
arrayKeys(<array>)                           Returns the keys of an array
arrayValues(<array>)                         Returns the values of an array
cancel()                                     Cancels an event
count(<string | array>)                      Returns the length of a string or the amount of elements in an array
decodeJson(<string>)                         Decodes JSON data
deleteData(<file_name>)                      Deletes the data that has been saved
exit()                                       Exits the command and stops running the code
getData(<file_name>)                         Retrieves the data that has been saved
getUrl(<url>)                                Returns the content of a website
goto(<line>)                                 Goes to a line in the code and continues running the code from there
hasPermission(<player>, <permission>)        Returns if a player has a permission or not
int(<number>)                                Gets the integer value of a float
isSet(<variable>)                            Returns if a variable is defined
join(<array>, <separator>)                   Converts an array to a string
lowercase(<string>)                          Turns a string to lowercase
random(<minimum>, <maximum>)                 Returns random number between two numbers
replace(<string>, <original>, <replace>)     Replaces part of string to a new string
saveData(<file_name>, <data>)                Saves data
sleep(<time>)                                Pauses the command and continues running it again after a period of time
sort(<array>, [type], [mode])                Sorts array keys or values in ascending order or descending order
split(<string>, <separator>)                 Converts a string to an array
substring(<string>, <start>, [length])       Extracts a part from a string
unSet(<variable>)                            Undefines a variable that's already defined, or removes a key from an array
uppercase(<string>)                          Turns a string to uppercase

# Player

getArmorInventory(<player>)                                                 Returns the content of a player's armor inventory
getBalance(<player>)                                                        Returns a player's balance
getInformation(<player>)                                                    Returns information of a player
getInventory(<player>)                                                      Returns the content of a player's inventory
getItemInHand(<player>)                                                     Returns the item a player is holding
getOnlinePlayers()                                                          Returns all online players
getPing(<player>)                                                           Returns a player's ping
getPlayer(<player>)                                                         Returns a player's full username
getPrefix(<player>)                                                         Returns a player's prefix
getRank(<player>)                                                           Returns a player's rank
playSound(<sound>, <world>, <x>, <y>, <z>, [volume], [pitch], [player])     Plays a sound
runCommand(<sender>, <command>, [run_as_op])                                Runs a command
sendAction(<player>, <message>)                                             Sends an action
sendForm(<player>, <form_data>, <response_variable>)                        Sends a form to a player
sendMessage(<player>, <message>)                                            Sends a message
sendPopup(<player>, <message>)                                              Sends a popup
sendTip(<player>, <message>)                                                Sends a tip
sendTitle(<player>, <message>)                                              Sends a title
sendToast(<player>, <title>, <body>)                                        Sends a toast notification
setArmorInventory(<player>, <content>)                                      Sets a player armor inventory
setHealth(<player>, <health>, [max-health])                                 Sets a player's health and max health
setHunger(<player>, <food>, [saturation], [exhaustion])                     Sets a player's food, saturation, and exhaustion
setInventory(<player>, <content>)                                           Sets a player inventory
setItemInHand(<player>, <item>)                                             Sets the item in a player's hand
setXP(<player>, <xp-level>, [xp-progress])                                  Sets a player's XP level and XP progress
teleport(<player>, <x>, <y>, <z>, [world], [yaw], [pitch])                  Teleports player(s) to a specific position

# Entity

despawnEntity(<entity_ID>)                                     Despawns an entity
entityAttack(<entity_ID>, <player>, <damage>, [knockback])     Makes an entity attack a player
getEntityInformation(<entity_ID>)                              Returns information of an entity
moveEntity(<entity_ID>, <x>, <z>, [speed])                     Makes an entity move to a specific position
setEntityFlag(<entity_ID>, <flag>, <value>)                    Sets flags for an entity
setEntityHealth(<entity_ID>, <health>)                         Sets the health of an entity
setEntityMaxHealth(<entity_ID>, <health>)                      Sets the maximum health of an entity
setEntityNameTag(<entity_ID>, <nameTag>)                       Sets the nametag of an entity
setEntitySize(<entity_ID>, <size>)                             Sets the size of an entity
spawnEntity(<type>, <world>, <x>, <y>, <z>)                    Spawns an entity

# World

dropItem(<world>, <x>, <y>, <z>, <item>)               Drops an item in a specific position
getBlock(<world>, <x>, <y>, <z>)                       Returns block information from a specific position
setBlock(<world>, <x>, <y>, <z>, <block>)              Places a block at a specific position
setContainerItems(<world>, <x>, <y>, <z>, <items>)     Sets container's items
setSignText(<world>, <x>, <y>, <z>, <text>)            Sets a sign's text