# Foreach


  • The Foreach loop is used for going through an array keys and values, or only the values.

# Usage

  • You can use foreach in either one line of code, or multiple lines, the format for 1 line of code is:
foreach (<array> as <key variable> => <value variable>) { #Code }
  • And for multiple lines:
foreach (<array> as <key variable> => <value variable>) {
   # Code
  • Or if you only wanted to go through the values of the array without the keys, then the format would be: (<array> as <value variable>)

# Parameters:

  • <array> The array to go through
  • <key variable> The variable name to define the current key of the array
  • <value variable> The variable name to define the current value of the array

# Example:

1: $array$ = array("Acsrel", "Steve", "Alex")
2: foreach ($array$ as $arrayKey$ => $value$) {
3:    sendMessage($player$, $arrayKey$ + ' => ' + $value$)
4: }