# Commands


Required: <> | Optional: []

# Basic Plugin Commands

/acodes help   Shows this help message
/acodes create <command>   Create a command or override a command that already exist
/acodes list [command]   List all created commands or list a commands code
/acodes delete <command>   Deletes a command
/acodes edit <command> <name | description | usage | permission>   Edits command information
/acodes add <command> <code>   Add a code line to a command
/acodes set <command> <line> <code>   Puts a code line in a specific line in a command
/acodes insert <command> <line> <code>   Inserts a code line to command and shifts the following lines of the inserted line
/acodes remove <command> <line>   Removes a specific code line from a command
/acodes event <event> <add | list | remove> [command]   Add a command to be run when a certain event happens, or list the commands, or remove them
/acodes recyclebin <restore | list | delete> [command]   Restore or delete a command in the recycle bin
/acodes running   List all commands that are currently running
/acodes end <command_ID>   End a command that's currently running
/acodes manage   Manage AcsrelCodes using forms