# Operators


You can use the following operators to do calculations or to use them in if statements

# Calculation / If-Statement Operators

+      Add two numbers or strings
-      Subtract second number from first number
*      Multiply two numbers
/      Divide first number by second number
^      Power two numbers
=      Returns TRUE if both sides are equal
!=     Returns TRUE if both sides aren't equal
>      Returns TRUE if first side is more than second side
<      Returns TRUE if first side is less than second side
>=     Returns TRUE if first side is more than or equal to second side
<=     Returns TRUE if first side is less than or equal to second side
in     Returns TRUE if string is in array
notin  Returns TRUE if string is not in array
and    Returns TRUE if both sides are true
or     Returns TRUE if one of sides is true

# Example

1: $result$ = 5 + 12.5 * 2 - ((50 + 1000) / 10)
2: if ($result$ > 10 and ($result$ < 10000 or $result$ = 15000)) {
3:    sendMessage($player$, 'Result was true')
4: }