# GetBlock


  • getBlock(<world>, <x>, <y>, <z>)
  • Returns block information from a specific as an array with the following elements:
  • ["name"] Block's name
  • ["id"] Block's ID
  • ["meta"] Block's meta
  • ["data"] Either container's content, or item frame's item, or sign's text

# Parameters

  • <world> The world the block is in as string
  • <x> The X coordinate for the block as int or float
  • <y> The Y coordinate for the block as int or float
  • <z> The Z coordinate for the block as int or float

# Example

1: $block$ = getBlock($world$, $x$, $y$ - 1, $z$)
2: sendMessage($player$, "You're standing on " + $block$["name"])