# SetContainerItems
setContainerItems(<world>, <x>, <y>, <z>, <items>)
- Sets the items of a container block, <items> must be an array with the format of:
[<slot> => [
"custom_name" => <custom_name> (Optional)
"id" => <id>
"meta" => <meta> (Optional)
"amount" => <amount> (Optional)
"nbt" => <nbt> (Optional)
. . .
# Parameters
The world the block is in as string<x>
The X coordinate for the block as int or float<y>
The Y coordinate for the block as int or float<z>
The Z coordinate for the block as int or float<items>
The items to set to the block as array
# Example
1: $items$ = array(1 => array('id' => 5), 3 => array('id' => 5, 'meta' => 2))
2: setContainerItems('world', 1025, 67, 942, $items$)