# GetInformation
- Returns information of a player as an array with the following elements:
Player's name["world"]
The world the player is in["x"]
The X coordinate for the player["y"]
The Y coordinate for the player["z"]
The Z coordinate for the player["yaw"]
Player's yaw["pitch"]
Player's pitch["max-health"]
Player's maximum health["health"]
Player's health["food"]
Player's food["saturation"]
Player's saturation["exhaustion"]
Player's exhaustion["xp-level"]
Player's XP level["xp-progress"]
Player's XP progress["op"]
Boolean value if the player is OP["ip"]
Player's IP["xuid"]
Player's XUID
# Parameters
The player to get information about them as string
# Example
1: $info$ = getInformation($player$)
2: if ($info$["op"] = $false$) {
3: sendMessage($player$, "Only OP players can use this command.")
4: exit()
5: }
6: sendMessage($player$, "You're OP")