# SetInventory
setInventory(<player>, <content>)
- Sets a player inventory, <content> must be an array with the format of:
[<slot> => [
"custom_name" => <custom_name> (Optional)
"id" => <id>
"meta" => <meta> (Optional)
"amount" => <amount> (Optional)
"nbt" => <nbt> (Optional)
. . .
# Parameters
The player to set their inventory as string
# Example
1: $item$["custom_name"] = "Custom Item"
2: $item$["id"] = 5
3: $item$["meta"] = 2
4: $inventory$ = getInventory($player$)
5: $inventory$[4] = $item$
6: setInventory($player$, $inventory$)
# Output
The above example will change the 5th slot of the player's inventory to an item with the name
"Custom Item"
, and with the ID of5
and a meta of2