# Teleport


  • teleport(<player>, <x>, <y>, <z>, [world], [yaw], [pitch])
  • Teleports a player or an array of players to a specific position, with the optional values of setting their yaw and pitch.

# Parameters

  • <player> The player(s) being teleported as string or array
  • <x> The X coordinate for the position as int or float
  • <y> The Y coordinate for the position as int or float
  • <z> The Z coordinate for the position as int or float
  • [world] The world name for the position as string
  • [yaw] The yaw of the player as int or float
  • [pitch] The pitch of the player as int or float

# Example

1: teleport($player$, $x$, $y$ + 5, $z$)
2: sendMessage($player$, 'You have been teleported 5 blocks above.')